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The purpose of this webpage is that each and every one here will know that the Lord loves you and I don't want you to take my word for that nor am I telling you to beleive somthing written two thousand years ago,,my prayer is that you will reach out and experince Jesus for yourself and have a personal relationship with the living God! No matter where you are in your life or what you are facing no matter what you have done or what somone has done to you there IS hope.The situation I was in was so horrible that I wasent allowed to go to school I was in a constant living hell with people who had me in a controlling mental abusive so called home! But now I am so happy to tell you that I have found a wonderful friend who loves me very much and ministers to me and was there for me throughout the very hard times in my life.It was when I seen somone living the life and reaching out to me thats when I began to reach out to him.She showed me that God loves me by her unconditional love to me how much greater is that of our Lord? woah I can not tell you with words what its like to have a personal relationship with Christ.But I can tell you that its amazing.If you are in a hopeless situation and feeling that you want to do somthing to hurt yourself or that you might even want to end your life.I ask that you would just surrender the problems to Jesus and let him transform your life into a new one worth living.

Call me if you need a friend I would be happy to talk with you and or pray with you. (504)473-7384 If you get my answeing machine please leave me a message and I will call you back as soon as possible.I am not going to report you or any such thing I have no means of doing such a thing and wouldent! I just want to offer a helping hand.